Sofia Broberger Pottery
About me:
I’ve always been very creative, but I haven’t always considered myself that way. When I was younger people would say I was creative, but I didn’t agree. To me “creative” meant that I was able to draw really well. To me being” creative” was very focused on the outcome, the final product. The final product being perfect.
Over the years I’ve realised that’s not what creative really means. Creative means being able to come up with new ideas, thinking of new ways of doing things. My head is full of new ideas, constantly. One new idea quickly replacing another. I thrive in the new. Once it becomes old I’m bored of it. But not always.
Sometimes I come across something new that intrigues me and I dedicate myself to it 100%. Luckily pottery hasn’t become old and boring yet. It’s still new and exciting to me. I think it’s because it’s full of endless possibilities. Making the same vase, but in a new type of clay, or in a different glaze, can change it completely. It becomes new and exciting.
I started doing pottery in january 2023, so not that long ago. I felt I was constantly making sure everyone around me was happy, making sure they were all ok. But I forgot about myself and my own happiness. That’s when I decided I wanted to try out pottery, or wheel throwing to be exact. I had a look online and found a course at Medborgarskolan here in Stockholm. It was full but I signed up to be on the waiting list in case someone dropped out. Luckily for me someone did and the spot was mine. It wasn’t just a wheel throwing class. It was a ceramics class going through various techniques such as pinching, coiling, slab building and wheel throwing. I got to try it all. That’s how I discovered the joys of slab building.
As always I went all in. Scrolling instragram, pinterest and YouTube for inspiration. Taking only one class a week almost made me stressed. How was I goning to be able to get all these ideas out of my head and out into the real world if all I had was once a week, for 10 weeks? So I started looking for something more.
That’s when I found Drejstället. Since March 2023 that’s where you’ll find me every Friday morning. That’s where I’m able to explore and experiment with clay. That’s where I make my vases, and keep on trying to find what the best slab built mug looks like (Still haven’t worked that one out yet). For now I’ll stick to my vases, candle sticks and lanterns

Candle holders
Candle holders made in stoneware clay with a white/brown glaze, with a carved pattern. Approximately 8,5 centimetres in diameter.
175 SEK per holder, + shipping.
Available in a variety of carved patterns

Tea light lantern
Tealight lanterns made in stoneware clay, with a blue glossy glaze, with various carved patterns.
Price: 300 SEK per lantern + shipping
The lanterns are available in a variety of carved patterns.
Moon vase
A round vase in stoneware clay, with a matt white/brown glaze, with a carved pattern. Each vase is unique. Approximately 17 cm in diameter.
Price: 1000 SEK + shipping
Available in a variety of carved patterns.
Pinched bowls in stoneware clay with a matt white glaze on the outside, and a glossy blue glaze on the inside. approxiamtely 8-10 cm in diameter and around 7 cm tall.
Can either be used for serving things like olives or peanuts, or used as a lantern for a tea light.
Price: 300 SEK per piece + shipping