Makers Market & Showcase is a special 1 month long event showcasing the most amazing creatives , artist , designers and more !  

You will find makers featured all month long in our Makers Showcase right here on our website and highlighted in our instagram account In edition we are also hosting 2 Christmas market events at  Wintervikens Festvåning .

See more info below 


Stay tuned Here
The Makers Showcase opens up Nov 18


Find out more about your favorite makers

  • Follow their brand story and mini shop on our website
  • Check out their special offers, happening and events  
  • Updates , promotions , behind the scenes , live Q& A session and more on Instagram 

upcoming markets

We are super excited about our two Christmas markets at Wintervikens Festvåning .  Here you  can find amazing holiday gifts fro more that 50 makers, designers and artists

Saturday and Sunday 11:00-16:00

Adresss: Vinterviksvägen 60 T Bana Aspudden

For info about the venue visit

Are you a maker or creative who would like to join our makers community ?